Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Don't you just love how kids put words together. They don't quite get the phrases said like we say them, yet they mean the same thing.

Here are a couple of Luke's that I love to hear him say and will miss one day:

hooked off -- means unhooked
throw out -- means throw-up

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Job

Seth started his new job this week. It is nice that it started on a short week. We are all a little tired and out of the groove. We miss having him home all the time, but that wasn't going to last forever anyway. He has had to be out of town 2 days this week but he still made it home for dinner. It will be nice once he is settled into the office in Salem.

The kids and I are getting back into a routine. I'm hoping to do some more formal like pre-school stuff with Luke starting next week. I got some Sunday school material and thought we would use it. We will do a little each day, so the whole lesson will cover the week. I think he will enjoy the learning and I will get some homeschooling practice!

We are also praying that everyone stays healthy. We found out that Seth's insurance won't kick in till November 1st. We have made it since the end of June without insurance and pray for the Lord's continued protection.

Pics from Claire's party!

Our family!

Ladybug cake

Sunflower cake
Grabbing the candle, not blowing it! Luckily, no burnt fingers.