Saturday, January 28, 2012

6 weeks later

Well, Barnabas has been here for 6 weeks.  What a crazy time it has been.  Life is grand!  I love how all the others want to hold him or help me with him.  Luke wants to change diapers.  Claire wants to hold him or get him his pacifier when he is crying.  John just wants to be wherever he is.  John may love Barnabas more than anyone else in the world does, but mom and dad are pushing a close second!

We enjoy having a baby around.  I was telling Seth the other day that it is a good thing we have a baby because if we didn't I would want one!  John is getting so big and isn't our baby, which is good, but still a little sad!

Our house is full of life and we are enjoying it all even if we get frustrated at times because we can't finish a thought or a sentence.