Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Claire quote and John sounds!

Yesterday the city flushed the fire hydrant in the cul-de-sac in front of our house.  Needless to say Luke and Claire had a blast playing in the water!  So, today they ran around in the rain and jumped in puddles.  Claire calls out "Mom, I'm running in water like yesterday in the hire fydrant"!!  Love Her!

John is all about animal sounds these days.  He loves the cow and lion.  Really, he just wants to growl so he will do it for most animals!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

let the shots begin

I started progesterone shots today.  I will get one a week for the next 12 weeks or so.  This is to hopefully prevent the baby from coming too early.  Each of the kids has gotten earlier with John being 4 weeks early.  We don't want a 6 week early baby!  Luckily, the shot didn't hurt!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the tying of shoes

Last week sometime Luke volunteered to tie Claire's shoes and he was able to do it.  Then on Sunday he tied his own church shoes.  Tonight he tied some friends' shoes.  I think it is official, Luke can tie shoes!  He has a natural gift for tying things up (knots and hooks and stuff) and it sure came in handing with the shoes!!

a new niece

Charlotte Rose Marsh entered the world on September 5th! I am a proud aunt!