Monday, May 2, 2011

And a new day begins - contentment in all

We had a hard weekend but it ended gloriously!  We went to a friend's church and had lunch there.  The kids all napped.  Then we went to my brother's house for dinner.  It is so refreshing to go there and talk and share and release some parenting angst.  The kids played great and we enjoyed some great conversation.  They were so encouraging to us.

We all rested well last night and slept till after 6:30!

I'm reminded again that staying on the kids right away for disobedience actually limits the disobedience even when it seems the discipline is a hassle.  Don't just talk, do it!  That is an cheer for myself.

Also, I'm feeling content in our children.  We have wanted children forever and it took a while for it to happen.  When Luke was born I couldn't wait for the next.  When Claire was born I couldn't wait for the next.  When John was born I couldn't wait for the next.  We still would love more.  But, I am finally happy with the blessing we have.  If the Lord doesn't bless us with more I'm ok with that.  This is a great place to be!

Thankful for
--my children obeying better after a couple rounds
--rain that makes things grow
--the Lord giving me contentment and me finally accepting it!

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